CHRISTUS St. Michael
Patient and Family Advisory Council
Join the Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC)
We bring to life the healing ministry of Jesus through our compassionate care and exceptional service. CHRISTUS St. Michael Health System PFAC is a voice for our patients, their families, and the communities we serve.
Guided by our values of compassion, dignity, respect, excellence, and stewardship, CHRISTUS St. Michael Health System PFAC promotes a partnership with patients, families, co-associates, and physicians, to enhance our delivery of extraordinary care and service.
CHRISTUS Health, a Catholic health ministry, will be a leader, partner, and advocate in the creation of innovative health and wellness solutions that improve the lives of individuals and communities, so that all may experience God's healing presence and love.
PFAC Membership
Patient and family advisors are a diverse group of individuals who enjoy making a difference in the lives of others while balancing different perspectives with courtesy, compassion, and respect.
To be on a patient and family advisory council you must:
- Show courtesy, compassion, and respect for others: Have an intrinsic desire and concern for improving healthcare experiences for all patients and their families.
- Share your ideas: Approach and share information about your experiences in a way that will benefit others. Be open and respect different points of view.
- Participate in meetings: Attend monthly council meetings and serve on subcommittees as needed.
- Collaborate: Be able to communicate and work jointly with individuals whose backgrounds and experiences may be different than your own.
Interested in Becoming a Volunteer?
Please fill out the Patient and Family Advisory Council Volunteer Application.
You may also call Novella Medlock: (903) 614-2694 or Sherrie Parks: (903) 614-2716 with questions.
Thank you for your interest! Council members are essential partners in the hospital's mission to provide excellent patient and family centered care.
PFAC Member Roles and Responsibilities
Patients and their families are former consumers who have experienced CHRISTUS St. Michael Health System's healthcare services and can offer unique perspectives and valuable feedback about their experience at a hospital.
- Promote respectful, effective partnerships between patients, families, and clinicians.
- Increase understanding and cooperation between patients, families, and staff.
- Transform the culture toward patient- and family-centered care.
- Improve quality, patient safety, and patient health outcomes.
- Establish a link between the hospital and the community at large.
- Share healthcare experience with doctors, staff, and other PFAC members.
- Participate in group discussions to talk about ideas for how our healthcare organizations can improve care, quality, safety, and services.
- Provide insight from the patient and family perspective about policies, care practices, and patient education materials.
- Identify patient and family needs and concerns.
- Serve on subcommittees and workgroups to help bring the patient and family perspective on these efforts.
- Encourage and support patient-centered care across the institution.
The philosophy of patient- and family-centered care focuses on:
- Respect for patients' values, preferences, and needs
- Coordination of care for more efficiency
- Comfort and emotional support for mental health
- Information, communication, and education
- Involvement of family and friends

What is the Patient and Family Advisory Council?

What is your objective as a PFAC member?